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How to buy spanish croquettes for my company

If you have a food distribution company in your country or you are a restaurant that has a good relationship with its distributors to order a specific Spanish product, this post will be of interest to you.

To be more precise, what you would like to buy Spanish croquettes.

Where to buy the best Spanish croquettes for my company

If you want to sell your customers the best Spanish croquettes on the market, you can order them at Croquetas Ricas.

croquetas ricas banner

We have different flavours that we are convinced will fit perfectly in your product portfolio.

Our croquettes are 100% handmade and are made with natural ingredients.


How are spanish croquettes transported to other countries?

If you order spanish croquettes for your country, it must be by pallet.

A pallet is a structure or platform, usually made of wood or plastic, that can be handled by mechanical means as a single unit, which is used to stack the packages (boxes) with the products on it.

The main purpose of palletising is to form a single handling unit that can be transported with minimum effort in a single operation and in a very short time. in a very short time.

Ways of transport frozen croquettes

Depending on the distance of the specific country for the shipment of the frozen croquettes there are 3 options:

1.- By road:

The transport of frozen goods requires a specific type of transport, called refrigerated goods transport or refrigerated transport.

Frozen goods are transported refrigerated in refrigerated vehicles, isothermal containers and, in the case of storage, in refrigerated chambers at negative temperatures.

Refrigerated vehicles allow negative temperatures to be maintained and can be single- or double-temperature. The latter allow different types of products (fresh and frozen) to be transported in the same refrigerated lorry.


2.- By air:

Depending on the type of product, flight and connection time, there are various solutions for maintaining the cold chain from origin to destination:

  • Isothermal containers
  • Insulated packaging
  • Refrigerated materials

The best option for spanis frozen croquettes is isothermical containers. They are equipped with a compressor and batteries that allow up to 100 hours of controlled temperature maintenance. As it does not carry dry ice (goods considered dangerous), it can be loaded on any type of aircraft, including passenger aircraft.

isothermal containers

3.- By sea

A refrigerated vessel is a vessel used to transport goods that require heat treatment in order to be preserved in good condition.

Heat treatment in order to be preserved in good condition. This thermal treatment may consist of refrigeration or freezing, ranging from 12ºC to -30ºC

This type of ship is usually white or similar in colour in order to reflect the sun's rays as much as possible, thus preventing the hull from heating up and, consequently, the holds and cargo from heating up.
